Visiting the Inn
The Inn is a private residence and does not accept Walk-Up bookings. Please call ahead if you would like to set up an appointment.
Public Garden Hours
Public Garden Hours
are currently not available.
Guided Tours
House & Garden Tours
are currently not available.
Public Events
Check out our event calendar to find out what's coming up!
Breakfasts can be added onto your stay at a rate of $50 per person per breakfast, and is dependent on our local Chefs' availability. Breakfasts can be arranged over the phone.

Private photo sessions can be
booked outside our public hours
by appointment for $100/hour.
For Reservations Call 812-376-3663
Columbus Movie
A movie called Columbus which was produced by Kogonada to be shown at the Sundance Film Fest is now hitting theaters. There are some scenes in which we as the Inn are show cased. Here is a few reviews from people who have already seen the movie. There is also a link below to view the Trailer.
“Richardson plays a recent high school grad named Casey who befriends Jin (played by John Cho), a visitor to Casey’s hometown of Columbus, Indiana. In real life, the city has a massive amount of modernist architecture and public art, setting a gorgeous backdrop for the characters’ heavy conversations. Columbus is, according to Richardson, ‘the most fulfilling role I’ve ever done.’”
see the original article at vmagazine.com
“It is block after block of just fascinating buildings … It is a kind of wondrous place. It is a bit of an emerald city.”
“Columbus” star John Cho, speaking at Sundance